Writing workshops

So Elite
3 min readJun 11, 2024

Writing workshops can be dreadful or amazing. It depends on who turns up and how invested the students are. As a teacher it’s all about giving, nurturing and creating an environment that speaks to those who come to develop their writing persona and style.

There are a couple of things that people don’t realise when they write. One is that you get to know yourself. You find out that you have special stories that you want to share or you have knowledge about a field you’d like to write about to help someone. What people worry about is that their story has been told before. What they forget is they have not told the story themselves. As a writer you are unique. The way you tell your story is specific to you.

Whichever reason you have to write there are some principles that would always need to be present in order for your writing to be exciting, interesting and informative enough to be considered a success. So how do you choose a writers workshop?

Here are three things to look for at writing workshops.

Who runs them?

  • can I attend and does the time and location suit me?

No point signing up to a place miles away, if you are going to be too tired or busy to go.

  • is the person running this workshops offering a safe and nurturing space?

You won’t know until you attend. Then again, I’ve been going to a group for nearly two decades and the organiser failed to stop one participant lashing out and swearing at…



So Elite

Broadcaster, educator, writer, poet, vegan recipe creator & music lover. Worked for BBC, published in The Guardian, fRoots, SvD, Songlines and freelance for SR.